说好话, 做好事, 存好心 (speak good, do good and spread kindness),…that’s the inspirational I got from the recent series 宫心计(Beyond The Realm Of Conscience) and been using as my personal message and status in both msn and facebook oh,….well the main character in the series, 三好, she indeed can keep up with these three simple things in her life just like her name, although she live in a life full of ‘battles of surviving’ in the Forbidden City,…it is already hard to find ways of living and surviving in such a tragic Forbidden City and yet she managed to keep up with her believe and principal of life,….to speak good, do good and spread kindness,…it is because of olden days where people are less ‘polluted’ or people in modern days just forget about all these basics of life. I once also keep up this principal in life, believing that if we treat other people good and with lots of good deeds, we will have good in return,….but I just can’t seem to be holding up to it at all time with all the deception, lies, politics of life, double faces and many more I had faced recent years, I just don’t seem to believe this anymore. Even up to now if it is because of this series, I guess I would have forgotten about this principal of my life before,….i am trying to hold up to these now days but yet sometimes it doesn’t come out the way I was doing before,…guess people changed, so do I,…that’s the world had become now,…it would be great if everyone in this world could do a little of these principal of life just like 三好 for a better place and world!!!
CK ;-p
Happy New Year 2025
1 month ago
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