Friday, November 06, 2009

aNoThEr pIeCe 4 U!!!

Actually wrote this quite sometime during the last class of TITAS, somehow stumble across it again when I was studying TITAS for tomorrow’s exam just now!!!


As I watched you passing by,
My heartbeat stop,
I am breathless in front of you,
I am speechless in front of you.

Lots of words in my mind,
But none of then I could delivered to you,
Lots of things wandering in my mind,
But none of them would be happen.

I wish I could forget you,
To ease away my pain,
To ease away my suffering,
But if I could just do so

Every seconds thinking of you,
Makes me miss you even more
Every seconds not seeing you,
Makes my life even more miserable

It’s loneliness I felt without you,
It’s emptiness I felt without you,
Your presence fills my emptiness,
Your presence fills my heart with warmness
Your presence gives me happiness

It’s you that affects me the most,
It’s you that affects my life the most,
But it’s you I truly found my most in both worlds
Your happiness is my happiness,
Your sadness is also my sadness

It’s everything about you,
If I could just let you go,
And let you fade away,…..

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