got called yesterday some more during my 'cheng meng' for my grandpa and dad at nilai that i need to go for an interview at recruit express at menara standchart today, out the house kinda late,..and was freaky rushing to the interview since the interview was at 2,...and luckily they it was a recruit agency,...or else i for sure would not get the job,...
oh ya while on the way in the bus,...when i get to my mp3 and on it,......i was like wtf!!!,....can't even see anything on the screen when i on it,...shit!!!,...gosh no the good timing for my mp3 for problem.....aarggghhhhhh!!!!,...not the time when i needed to use,...gosh so damn bored in the bus not having any music in my head all whe way,....
ya reached recruit express a little late,..but doesnt matter since they all so many ppl by then dy,....after interview,...still kinad early in the afternoon got nth to do, decided to have a walk to klcc,...out of sudden got the thinking of pratising my driving since got to know prizzie have off day today,....and so were i off to kepong once again to meet prizzie to ask her let me drive her car once more to practice my driving lol,...hehehehhehehe,....but this time i drove around Desaparkcity since the area is car free,...and train some reverse parking at the empty parking lots but still there are cars in between for me to train and ya guess what was the worst than the bumping to the cars,...though i didnt, was the people,...the couple to be exact,..what about them???.....erm,..speechless where all these couples just like sitting in the car at the carpark and doing all sort of 'unwanted' things,....u might dy guess so by now,...ya ya,...sigh!!,....ok la forget bout those couples and focus on my driving instead and off i going to ktm station to 'drop' myself and pass the car to prizzie back, am i spending yet another day outside after my working life,...argghhhh aproaching april,..pray ppl for me to get a new job ASAP!!!
CK ;-p
Happy New Year 2025
1 month ago
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