Friday, June 11, 2010

OuT WiTh SiStErHoOd

As planned today, went out with Sisterhood (Pris, Shirley, Sook Theng & Cat) as to celebrate Shirley’s birthday. Supposed to meet Pris and Malini at lrt station but out of sudden they decided to come to my house to visit h@ppy, and they seem more excited about h@ppy than I do,…hahahahahha. As you can see how excited they were taking pics with h@ppy,...

Then we got our way to Sunway Piramid to meet the Sisterhood and had our lunch at Fullhouse. These are the moments of us in Fullhouse,....

& before I forget,...

~hope you enjoy your day,....

Later, we decided shift our place to 1U,… then, we got our shows tickets. One was Nanny McPhee, the other was Karate Kid. Shirley and Sook Theng went and watch Karate Kid as most of us had watched. Since there was plenty of time before the show, the girls went crazy walking around the fashion stores at 1U, keep trying and trying until we were too exhausted and we relax ourselves at Baskin Robbins for the ice-cream treat,…..

And so, just before the show, Pris, Malini, Cat, Pea Pea (who join us after her work) and I went for dinner at Taiwan cuisine restaurant (can’t recall its name but it’s ok,…after all, the food taste no good). Right after the movie, we heading back home and had another snapshots moment in the lrt train with the Sisterhood again,…

CK ;-p

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