Tuesday, December 22, 2009

TrIp To P.KeTaM wItH FyI

Wanted fyi to help me out with some personal photo shoots long ago since her skill in taking and editing pics are way so artistic. So she agreed and we decided to go P. Ketam as our destination. So so sorry to fyi for being late that day due to my late wake up. It was a long way to P.Ketam with train and then boat,…all the hassle of travelling pay off when we arrived there. Well at least we got the pics we want for the day. It was a satisfied day in return though it is still way tiring travelling so long to such a deep place.Here are some pics she had taken and edited for me,…

& here are some view pics she taken and edited;...

Soon i will upload more pics which were taken and edited by me,...
~us in the feery boat

CK ;-p

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