Thursday, September 17, 2009

FiRsT OuTiNg oF ThE WeeK

ok finally for the week of holiday, I am going out fo an outing,…usual hang out ppl,..prissie!!!,…went to pick her up from her house at sri damansara,…..then quickly head to school, sji,….to meet zarif and ivan,…so scare they left dy since puasa period school will end earlier lol,…...out to the school for reason too,….went to get my STPM certificate,…though not much use now,….after long hour chit-chatting with teachers in school and waiting for ivan to settle some stuffs,…we then had our late lunch at oldtown, TS,…..tried some minced meat rice recommended by ivan,,,and of course its signature,…TOAST!!!.....

so then ivan gotta left early to meet his other friends’ outing,..HE DUMPED US because of other friends!!!,..bad ivan,..purposely make a day free to meet him and zarif, dare him!!!,…so then pris, zarif and I went to the curve instead,…..before that we ‘buka puasa’ with zarif & prissie at Burger King nearby IKEA,…..of course wit everyt outing we surely will give an enjoyment of a great movie,…watched G-FORCE!!!,….should watch it,…it was really LOL!!!,….hehehehehehe till my next outing,…

CK ;-p

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