when come into choosing a book in a bookstore or in a library, we often we look for the best or most attractive cover there is be4 reading its content, but how many of us actually will search a book by its content???....bet everyone will more into its cover than the content. this implies the same to our daily in life espcially when comes to 1st impression. when we get to know some1 on the 1st day, we often will a good 1st impression towards that person or by the person just because of our looks. is beauty really tat important???....i know in today's world, appearance comes first, but in my life i was taught by my parents tat look can deceiving and it is true some time and also in Buddhism beauty is impermance. so why every1 still will still prejudge some1 from its appearance. i not trying to be anti-appearance or pro-personality, it is just a random taughts in my head for so long. well mayb because i had come across some exp myself about judging a book by its cover in daily life. not say i don judge a book by its cover but i still will look for its content also. in one of my MUET test in school, the article wrote that the key to beauty is trough kindness. and from then i started to reflect, must we really judge some1 from its look??.. i then started slowly to knowing new ppl by a different ways cos i used to find those who r not 'yong shui' to get know 1st, it does not mean ugly just the overall view of the person's outlook as in whether tat person really look cocky or not. i bet every1 also had the 1st impression tat i was cocky....so it is fair n square. recently i just found out tat the instict on 1st impression without judging any appearance including 'yong shui' or not, it is a much better way to tell one's personality. well it all happens from the interviewed i was involve for the jnrs cos the jnrs i giv suggestion to join any of the board so far had not dissapoint me yet cos thier personality really outshine. not saying they dont have the look but their appearance not the super outstanding type. they are presentable type. there is 1 eg where one of the jnr i suggest seem to be cocky but he isnt tat after all. he seem far more nice than wat other ppl commented about him. see this is wat i mean by dun judge a cover by its cover cos i had also another eg where some1 can act so innocent & cute all the time but can do all sorts of 'jalan belakang' things......or u can see from previous post the cake my mom made n the cream chess topping which i made wasnt nice from outside but every1 seem enjoy it once they took the 1st bite....cheh cheh cheh self-praising but it is a compliment instead to my mom......so UNBELIEVEABLE rite this world??.....well a few egs here for these moments la.....of cos there are a lot of ppl i knew which really push off that phrase as they really have good appearances and also good personalities!!!..tat's all about this particular phrase......
P.S : all above are just some sharing and thoughts...nth personal!!!!
CK ;-p
Happy New Year 2025
1 month ago
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