well after so long or tiring days, weeks and months of working,...finally i had 2 weeks off before starting my uni,...so after been weeks of arrangement, pris, ivan, zarif and i, the 'lepak gang' finally can meet up for once and have some fun and relax for a while,....As usual, planned to meet up at BK, masjid jamek, ya ya i was the only one who is late for the day,...the rest were waiting and 3/4 done with thier lunch,...quickly get my lunch and chitchat for a while before procesding to next hang out place for the johannians i.e...................Times Square,......walk around and took so long only can decide what we wanna do,...watching movie lol,......since the line at gsc TS so freaky long,...decided to shift venue to pavillion GSC instead,.....cant blif deciding where and what movie to watch is so damn difficuilt,.....and at last we decided to watch Monster Vs. Aliens,.....was kinda resisting at first since i thought it will be just an ordinary cartoon movie and yet,.....haha,...surprisingly the movie is SUPER DUPER funny with all the scenes ivan remembered since he watched once before with his exxageration and expression during and after the movie,....gosh been quite some time since my most laughable day,......guess being around with ppl like ivan and zarif can really LOL(laugh of Loud),.....cant stop laughing whenever they trying to make so silly lame jokes,.....jokes of the day to be continued since our dear mr.ivan need to get back home with his 'stuffs' to settle,.....but pris, zarif and i still continue the hang out day at low yat to get shirley's pressie on this coming sat celebration,.....got her a pendrive since we all know uni life in NEED of pendrive to transfer and save data all around,.....and yet we still not tired after walking around low yat just to survey the best price for the pendrive,...we then head off to central market,...guess what,...taking a cab from times square to CM,.....ya we all are actually too tired to travel with public transport,....and we had our dinner at OLDTOWN CM since quite some time did not eat the food there esp in CM's one cos it is also another hang out place for lunch for the johannians,......well that's about the day of hang out with all day long going around the whole KL,.........till then,...stay touch!!!BTW,...no pics for the day since none of us feel to camwhore or take pic lo!
CK ;-p
Happy New Year 2025
1 month ago
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