went to Teledirect Telecommerce, TDM on last friday and thought of trying for walk in interview,...in the end i went there for nothing since it must be an appointment interview in a group and so i make a call to Mun Yee asking her to help me arrange for me with the HR,...and so i need to go to the interview today at 2pm where i get myself out the house way earlier since i am first time driving all the way to KLCC area which is the furthest i ever tried alone so far,....and get there in time during mun yee's lunch time,...get to know some colleagues before i get in like,..Seng Hoe,. Nicole and Joanna,...heheheheh though i wasnt sure that i could get the offer lol,....hahahhahaha and so the candidates waited in a room for about half an hour from 2pm as they were searching hard for the other 'lost souls'......that makes the interview start way later than it should it be,...however it was all fine when the staffs who came interview for us in a group were all so nice and friendly,...ya u didnt read wrongly,...it was a GROUP INTERVIEW,...well it's as a way for us to stand out among the groups and so the interview took 3 hours time,...wah seh the longest interview i ever had,....however it was a lesson interview after all since we get to learn a little about 5 Golden Rules and learn some ways of presenting ourselve thus a Roleplay as to get us clear about what the job is all about,.....and so am i feeling the top of all,....cheh2 not self praising but i really felt UNBELIEVEABLE when all the graduates with diploma or degree holders were not much outspoken,....not say i am very outspoken, however they are all much older than me with much experience thus with higher education,...sigh!!!...i am the only stpm leaver among them and yet i dare to speak out for myself and not letting others to overshadow me,.....guess the govt seriously need to relook into the aspect of interpersonal skills among the students/youth now days as to build the best human capital which very important for the growth of the country,.....i seriously believe after this interview i stand a higher chance in getting a job for sure just like what mun yee believe in.....heheheheh as my interview end about the same time so i fetch her home since she drove me home before,...as a repayment or guess as a guidance from her how to improve my driving skills lol,.....hahahahahahaha,....yet another day spent and it was an InTeRvIeW dAy for a new job!!!
CK ;-p
Happy New Year 2025
1 month ago
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