~ it was such a happening year for me this year in my f6 life....last year in may I was only in L6 as junior and now my f6 life finally come to an end today as it is the last day for the f6 to be in school as a study day....sad huh isn't it???.....well I felt the same too especially it is gonna be the very last year for me to be in SJI. but at the same time I felt relieved.....yea yea 'cause of all the burden and other stuffs been bugging me all this while when I m in this school. thus there will be a lot of changes after school life. like no more waking up early in the morning, no more rushing to school or afraid of getting late to school, no more school uniform, no more school rules, no more duties and a lot more!!!....I guess I really gonna miss a lot of these things. really wonder how my life gonna be after this without the school life routine??? not only that I gonna miss all my wonderful & superb fun friends in SJI too. they all are so wonderful and nice and friendly.....really wonder how life gonna be without them. not forgetting the experiences gained from this school which is undeniably meaningful to me. ~
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok ok back to the topic about today where we don't have any study at all!!! Basically, it was a day for the f6 to have our last moment in SJI and some motivational talks from the teachers and also some thanksgiving talk to the teachers. it was such a touching moment when everyone started to express out their thoughts and feelings, those moment really very different from any other moment I ever experienced. Looks like f6 life really gave a very very
HUGE impact on everyone's point of view & life. Well, that's about it for the day. just check out some of the pictures in the following link;..........oh yea by the way I still learnt something on this very last day, it was
Mr.. Han's lesson though, hahahaha.....he actually thought me some wide-angle skill of photography.....really
UNBELIEVEABLE!!!!........funny huh???...him teaching me about photography instead of physics or his lesson of life on the last day of my school life.....hahahahaha ok see yea people!!!!......
GAMBATEH to all my batch mates in
~ Goodbye to my Classroom, T-T
~ the f6 corridor which I gonna use for the last time!!!LaSt DaY oF F6 LiFeCK ^.^